Monday, December 16, 2013

BR 12/16/13 Simon Phipps

1. 41 engineers are held captive in Algeria by Islamic militants on January 16, 2013. Later raided by Algerian to free the captive engineers on January 17, 2013. Most of the captives and kidnappers were killed in the process.
2. North Korea donates their third nuclear bomb on February 12, 2013. Concerned scientist go and see if the bomb is uranium or plutonium powered. Could North Korea be on their way to a stronger arsenal?
3. UN passes more sanctions against North Korea on March 8, 2013. To keep North and South Korea at peace with each other after the Korean War ended in 1953. To show military strength the United States is sending over F-22 Stealth jets, B-2 Stealth bombers and B-52 bombers.
4. April 18, 2013 Syria faces Chemical Weapon Allegations of being used in the civil war. Israel has information on Syria using them in the Civil War. The UN is putting this at the top of the dangerous list.
10. The death of Nelson Mandela on December 5, 2013 at the age of 95. Nelson was the first black president of South Africa after being in jail for 27 years. He died after many months of illness and a lung infection.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

12/11/13 BR Simon Phipps

1. Depends on who you are asking about the idea. Well the NSA is on a national poll while the police is most likely local.
2. Yes cause basically any one can see what you have watched or played.
3. No one would notice cause those are just regular characters in the game.
4. Social and the chat rooms that people have on the game.

Monday, December 9, 2013

12/9/13 BR Simon Phipps

1. If you agree to the terms and agreements then it says that they can see what you are doing.
2. They believe it is wrong for the NSA to do this where it takes out one of the amendment.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Morgan & Carli vs DJ & Gracin Debate

Opening Statement

Pro: The prisoners are able to vote no matter what.

Con: Takes control on how America should take care of itself.

Cross Fire

Pro: Telling that any one can vote no matter what.

Con: Uses Hitler as a way to show how voters can vote.


Pro: There are only two states that allow prisoners to vote.

Con: Do you want any one that broke the law still be able to vote.


What if the prisoners were allowed to vote.

What if he was wrongly agued in court.

Closing Statements

Pro: You lose most of your rights but you still get to keep of them.

Con: The prisoners should think of their rights before committing a crime.

Simon Phipps 12/6/13 BR R.I.P. Nelson Mandela

1. Won a Noble Prize for human rights.
2. Became the president of South Africa after being in prison 27 years.
3. Was able to lead other and help all of South Africa.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

12/4/13 Simon Phipps BR

1. Depends on how the others see it from what the baby looks like and how the parents feel about it.
2. He's saying that the baby doesn't meet the standards of the father who has the final say in the baby.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Simon Phipps 12/3/13 BR

1. What he is saying is that if it is not what he believes then it does not matter to him.

Monday, December 2, 2013

12/2/13 BR

1. Yes cause they are still an American citizen even though they are in prison.
2. Yes they are also American citizens that live in this country.