Friday, August 30, 2013

The way that this happened is that a woman felt threatened by the large group. It was most likely that they were black but it was also a large group in this local restruant. It was unconstitutional that they were not seated after waiting two hours then told that they can not be seated. So this is racism even fifty years after the I have a Dream speech. They were discrimanated.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

" I have a Dream" assingment

18. "Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred." Martin is saying that we will not get freedom by drinking out of the cup of bitterness and hatred. That is the way to whem the nation will never change.

Simon's I have a dream speech BR

BR 8/29/13 Facts 1. Five score years ago the man signed the emaclitation proclamation. 2. The most peaceful speeches of history. 3. One hundred years later my people are still no equal as the Whites.      4. All men in America will be equal to everyone. 5. We refuse to believe that the funds of banks is bankrupt. 6. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desalit place we have been from.       7. We will never be satified as long as the negro are beat in Georgia. 8. I still have a dream that is rooted in the American dream that all men are created equal. 9. I have a dream that my children will not be jugged by the color of their skin. 10. This will be the day that all of God's children sing that we will all sing the anthem together. 11. Let freedom ring from the Appalapcian Mountains of Pennslyvania.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Simon Phipps

1. Two boys with their previous accounts of assault should be trialed as adults. They may be underage but they have committed these felonies before so they should be trialed as adults. 2. One has already been shown due to him hiding after their assault. The other should still stay closed since he turned himself in without question. 3. If someone has multiple felonies close to 18 and are not listening trial as adults for how heinous their crime has been.