Monday, September 30, 2013

The web sites show that the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center later the Oklahoma City bombing followed by the government shut down that may happen tomorrow.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The article is saying that violent video games are leading to more mass killings. It's not really the video games fault but more or less the parents. Only the parents can control what games the child plays since they can control what games they get. Only a few games have NO VIOLENCE in them while others have some even football and basketball.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

1. To stop suicides that are occuring during school. To keep students from torturing other students via social media. Keep social media from ending more lives.
2. I'm sort of in the middle of the question between the privacy.
3. Just try and get used to it before it starts making everything crazy.
Simon Phipps 9/18/2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

1. America is still racist and does not enjoy the way she is.
2. The civil rights movement has had an affect in the 1960s and not as much now.
-Simon Phipps 9/17/2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

It has been 50 years since the church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama which took the lives of four girls that day. They were just in Middle School and were getting ready for an assembly at church. The Ku Klux Klan was the group that planted the bomb underneath the stairs and also blew out a part of the Stain Glass window of Jesus. All of these girls have been able to be amazing in a way that changed America.

Friday, September 13, 2013

1. It was a bombing to try and catch the US off guard. When we were in memorist of 9/11/2001.
2. Was more of a fail than a success. The Taliban still think that they can take on the remaining US forces. -Simon Phipps 9/13/2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013 Photos, videos, articles, and facts from that day.
I have many expierences like this with my life crubbling as I knew it. Like both of the Towers it didn't take long for me to drop to the ground in pain that I was dealing with. When I do collapse it is like what happened at the Pentagon losing some friends when it happens. Don't know how but thats what will happen when all fails. Photo of the North Tower smoking and showing the explosion of when the South Tower was hit.
When I get hit mentally it's like the South Tower while the I'm already damaged like the North Tower. Don't remember many but the one I remember the most was when my grandpa passed away a few years ago and I was already hurting from what has haapened in school. Many times has happened when that was brought up and I just went into a mental breakdown. Really this is how my sophmore year was. Archive of the seven day news cast that was shown around the world for over 3,000 hours.
My life has been like a movie. With something differently happening everyday when I least expect it. Don't know what I can do to keep going on. 9/11 is what has occured to me.
Many are believing that some of the job loss is due to new computer systems that are used by some states. They believe that it will either get rid of or get jobs in America. Some areas of the economy are improving but other areas are crippling.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My privacy feels likes it is violated by the NSA without most people knowing about it. With all of the social networks that I have they should tell you first hand that the NSA has the right to see what you say. One reason is because of 9/11 but still we should be notified if something like that is happening. I guess since 9/11 they can check on what you say but will it effect you more mentally than physically. The NSA is just putting themselves in a bad place with the United States citizens.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

1. No they should not raise the price on their dollar menu. The menu is called the "Dollar Menu" which means that the food on it should be a dollar. 2. Yes they should be paid at a wage on which they can live on. Sometimes some workers have families that also need food and during school the breakfast and lunch will be the only food they get in the day.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

1. They are saying that they should pursue a major in the science, technology, engineering, of math major with the job opening in high demand. 2. I would like to see a chart on the money that is made by each branch and show how many years they went to college. 3. Finding out that more known colleges will get you a job for more people know about that college. Simon Phipps 9/4/2013.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

1. Yes this is an invasion of privacy with many people having most of their lives on Facebook, Twitter and the other social network giants. 2. No it is against the privacy that you are suppose to have. No I have not read the terms and agreements. 3. Yes it does violate your fourth amendment with you not knowing of your information is violated.