Thursday, September 12, 2013 Photos, videos, articles, and facts from that day.
I have many expierences like this with my life crubbling as I knew it. Like both of the Towers it didn't take long for me to drop to the ground in pain that I was dealing with. When I do collapse it is like what happened at the Pentagon losing some friends when it happens. Don't know how but thats what will happen when all fails. Photo of the North Tower smoking and showing the explosion of when the South Tower was hit.
When I get hit mentally it's like the South Tower while the I'm already damaged like the North Tower. Don't remember many but the one I remember the most was when my grandpa passed away a few years ago and I was already hurting from what has haapened in school. Many times has happened when that was brought up and I just went into a mental breakdown. Really this is how my sophmore year was. Archive of the seven day news cast that was shown around the world for over 3,000 hours.
My life has been like a movie. With something differently happening everyday when I least expect it. Don't know what I can do to keep going on. 9/11 is what has occured to me.

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