Tuesday, October 29, 2013

1. Why is the man in the tee shirt celebrating for what he did? Cartoon's Message
2. What does the officer mean in the political cartoon? Use of Images or Artistic Techniques
3. Why is the elephant getting arrested for something he didn't  do? Use of Images or Artistic Techniques
4. Why is the capital falling to the ground? Subject of the Cartoon
5. How is the man in the tee shirt a hero? Subject of the Cartoon

The first step is to get attention of the reader. Step two is getting you to follow how the images go together. Step three is to get the attention of a certain audience. Step four is figuring out the context and what it means. Step five is to use images that represent a nation that everyone knows what it means. Step six is to find out the humor or what the cartoon means.

They use buildings that are used for certain things such as churches and schools that are for any one. They exaggerate the damage done to the buildings and how they are used. Labeling is used to show what the place is called and what it is for. Analogy is showing what the whole cartoon is about and how people react to it. Irony is used to show what the differences are between the quote and what the  article means.

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