Thursday, November 14, 2013

11/14/13 Debate Courtney Hill & Liz Poling vs. Alisha Robinson & Sarah Mongold Euthanasia

Euthanasia Debate

Pro: Sarah and Alisha

1. Believe that the patient should not suffer any more.

2. Says that it is the person that is dying gets the choice to die or not.

3. Gives information that there are actually six types of Euthanasia.

4. Believes that it is the terminally ill the decision to die if they fill that they are no longer needed.

5. Believe that it is a right to the patient that is dying.

6. Showing that it is not fair to the terminally ill to die if they are on their death bed and leave their family without the only paycheck or one of the paychecks.

Con: Courtney and Liz

1. Believe that it is the opposite of what a doctor is suppose to do.

2. Showing how many are killed that are not terminally ill.

3. Telling that there are two ways of Euthanasia.

4. Euthanasia can change others minds if they see some one with the same disease die and you no longer think you should live.

5. Can affect more than just your family.

6. Think that it is ending to end some ones opportunity to do things that they can still do.

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