Monday, December 16, 2013

BR 12/16/13 Simon Phipps

1. 41 engineers are held captive in Algeria by Islamic militants on January 16, 2013. Later raided by Algerian to free the captive engineers on January 17, 2013. Most of the captives and kidnappers were killed in the process.
2. North Korea donates their third nuclear bomb on February 12, 2013. Concerned scientist go and see if the bomb is uranium or plutonium powered. Could North Korea be on their way to a stronger arsenal?
3. UN passes more sanctions against North Korea on March 8, 2013. To keep North and South Korea at peace with each other after the Korean War ended in 1953. To show military strength the United States is sending over F-22 Stealth jets, B-2 Stealth bombers and B-52 bombers.
4. April 18, 2013 Syria faces Chemical Weapon Allegations of being used in the civil war. Israel has information on Syria using them in the Civil War. The UN is putting this at the top of the dangerous list.
10. The death of Nelson Mandela on December 5, 2013 at the age of 95. Nelson was the first black president of South Africa after being in jail for 27 years. He died after many months of illness and a lung infection.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

12/11/13 BR Simon Phipps

1. Depends on who you are asking about the idea. Well the NSA is on a national poll while the police is most likely local.
2. Yes cause basically any one can see what you have watched or played.
3. No one would notice cause those are just regular characters in the game.
4. Social and the chat rooms that people have on the game.

Monday, December 9, 2013

12/9/13 BR Simon Phipps

1. If you agree to the terms and agreements then it says that they can see what you are doing.
2. They believe it is wrong for the NSA to do this where it takes out one of the amendment.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Morgan & Carli vs DJ & Gracin Debate

Opening Statement

Pro: The prisoners are able to vote no matter what.

Con: Takes control on how America should take care of itself.

Cross Fire

Pro: Telling that any one can vote no matter what.

Con: Uses Hitler as a way to show how voters can vote.


Pro: There are only two states that allow prisoners to vote.

Con: Do you want any one that broke the law still be able to vote.


What if the prisoners were allowed to vote.

What if he was wrongly agued in court.

Closing Statements

Pro: You lose most of your rights but you still get to keep of them.

Con: The prisoners should think of their rights before committing a crime.

Simon Phipps 12/6/13 BR R.I.P. Nelson Mandela

1. Won a Noble Prize for human rights.
2. Became the president of South Africa after being in prison 27 years.
3. Was able to lead other and help all of South Africa.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

12/4/13 Simon Phipps BR

1. Depends on how the others see it from what the baby looks like and how the parents feel about it.
2. He's saying that the baby doesn't meet the standards of the father who has the final say in the baby.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Simon Phipps 12/3/13 BR

1. What he is saying is that if it is not what he believes then it does not matter to him.

Monday, December 2, 2013

12/2/13 BR

1. Yes cause they are still an American citizen even though they are in prison.
2. Yes they are also American citizens that live in this country.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Prayer in public Debate Simon Phipps

Pro: America has a saying that says in God we trust which is saying that we want to have prayer in a public meeting if we want.

Con: How can we keep prayer from being in public meetings if they don't know about it.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

11/19/13 BR Simon Phipps

They don't think it is a big deal now that it was 150 years ago. It was what changed what everyone thought and how the president felt about the Civil War that was happening in America.

Monday, November 18, 2013

11/18/2013 BR Simon Phipps

From a constitutional standpoint you have the right to pray before a meeting with the freedom of speech as well as the freedom of religion. So you really couldn't stop some one from praying before a meeting.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

11/14/13 Debate Courtney Hill & Liz Poling vs. Alisha Robinson & Sarah Mongold Euthanasia

Euthanasia Debate

Pro: Sarah and Alisha

1. Believe that the patient should not suffer any more.

2. Says that it is the person that is dying gets the choice to die or not.

3. Gives information that there are actually six types of Euthanasia.

4. Believes that it is the terminally ill the decision to die if they fill that they are no longer needed.

5. Believe that it is a right to the patient that is dying.

6. Showing that it is not fair to the terminally ill to die if they are on their death bed and leave their family without the only paycheck or one of the paychecks.

Con: Courtney and Liz

1. Believe that it is the opposite of what a doctor is suppose to do.

2. Showing how many are killed that are not terminally ill.

3. Telling that there are two ways of Euthanasia.

4. Euthanasia can change others minds if they see some one with the same disease die and you no longer think you should live.

5. Can affect more than just your family.

6. Think that it is ending to end some ones opportunity to do things that they can still do.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Simon Phipps 11/13/2013 bellringer

1. I believe that the whale should stay and the park not be charged because the trainers are doing this at their own risk.
2. No cause it has been part of their show since they got killer whales in the park. It's the trainers right to make the decision if he/she should get in the pool with the whales for the show.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11/12/13 Simon Phipps

I would not know what to do my family would see me in pain everyday but if there is surgery I would have the surgery done on me to hunt again.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Organ Donors debate Simon Phipps

Opening Statement
Pro: Want more people to donate organs to save the thousands of lives that are on a waiting list.
Con: Think that mandatory organ donning should be optional not required.

Cross Fire:
Con: Believe that it will confront with religion and how families feel.
Pro: Show that it can save more people with the organs being donated and make everyone safer.

Con: Believe that you get to keep your organs even when your dead.
Pro: They believe that you should donate to save lives since you don't need them any more.

Final Statements
Con: It shouldn't be mandatory it violating their rights.
Pro: It would help anyone that would need it in any means necessary.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Simon Phipps BR 11-4-13

1. It will hurt how many people vote on election day.
2. Yes it takes away many of the rights they have.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

10/31/13 Bellringer -Simon Phipps

1. I think it is too harsh because it's saying that you are fat and need to lose weight.
2. Yes she has a right to hand out letters to the moderately obese.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

10/30/2013 bellringer -Simon Phipps

 1. Describe the trend in Virginia. The younger voters are more democrat than republican in the modern age.

2.  Is this trend similar throughout America? Some of the other northern states are democrat while the southern are starting to get more and more republican.

3.  What impact might this have on future elections? The democrat side may severely out take the amount of republican votes in America.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

1. Why is the man in the tee shirt celebrating for what he did? Cartoon's Message
2. What does the officer mean in the political cartoon? Use of Images or Artistic Techniques
3. Why is the elephant getting arrested for something he didn't  do? Use of Images or Artistic Techniques
4. Why is the capital falling to the ground? Subject of the Cartoon
5. How is the man in the tee shirt a hero? Subject of the Cartoon

The first step is to get attention of the reader. Step two is getting you to follow how the images go together. Step three is to get the attention of a certain audience. Step four is figuring out the context and what it means. Step five is to use images that represent a nation that everyone knows what it means. Step six is to find out the humor or what the cartoon means.

They use buildings that are used for certain things such as churches and schools that are for any one. They exaggerate the damage done to the buildings and how they are used. Labeling is used to show what the place is called and what it is for. Analogy is showing what the whole cartoon is about and how people react to it. Irony is used to show what the differences are between the quote and what the  article means.
1. It shouldn't be legal cause it is getting rid of troops that are going into the military.
2. It can but it is how you move around and how easy it is to move around.
3. Get rid of it. The tape test is weakening the military with less troops.

Monday, October 28, 2013

1. Disaffected along the 11% of the public
2. Average Republican
3. Authoritarian Left
4. 60% Conservative 40% Liberal
5. Centrist
I'm proud to be a Republican that meets what I like to live. I'm conservative like most Republicans and I like to make my own decisions. I may have some Liberal in me but it all depends on what you decide to do. Some of the things that I agree to are Democrat and Liberal but its all by some one's stand point in what they believe. I am mostly Republican for what I agree to and believe in.
1. It's just some one expressing how they feel about the Confederate flag and what is represents.
2. No there were also Confederate soldiers killed during the American Civil War by Union soldiers.
3. People don't want to let go of something that happened 150 years ago that is still part of America's history.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

1. Yes, it is his own fault for moving a boulder that has been there for years.
2. Yes, he was moving a part of the national park that has been untouched.

Monday, October 21, 2013

1. It's your connection to what is going on in the world around you.
2. Yes I could since I have been grounded multiple times from technology for months at a time.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

1. Since the government shut down is over the workers can go back and America can start moving forward again. The economy will try to help bring itself back up to where everything is normal. The debt will go up of course and the laid off federal workers will work again.
-Simon Phipps 10/17/13

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

1. Yes they should since they mostly caused the girl to choose suicide. They were telling her to die and make everyone happy.
2. Misdemeanor is more of a small crime. Felony is a crime that is done that is more dangerous to all around them.
3. Have the teachers watch how the students act and help the ones that are in need.
-Simon Phipps 10/16/13

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Carli Reed- Frances Willard Was a women that stood up against the US government for the how sexist against women.
Josh Gain- Eugene Debbs born in Indiana, quit school to work for the railroad at the age of 14, Died on October 20th due to heart failure President of American railroad. One of the founders of the revolutionary war.
Alisha Robinson- Betty Williams co founder of peace keep and won the nobel peace prize in 1976.
Liz Poling- Emmeline Pankhurst July 14 in Machestor was with the womens and poor hunger. Arrested many times for hunger strikes. Cat and mouse act was passed by her. British women got equal right seven weeks before she died. She later moved to Canada before she died.
DJ Smith- Helana Rubstien in 1951established an organization to fund organization specializing in healthy medicine and rehabilitation.
Gracen Prince- Edward Jenner was born on May 17 1869 and left for medical school. He made the smallpox vaccine by using cow pus no one liked his idea change the medical field forever.
Sara Mongold- Dalorice Huerta was a labor force fighter, before this she was a school teacher, and helped the poor and the children
Courtney Hill- Dorthe Hogkan father achilalogist mother helped father she thought achilarigy then took chemistry classes became a leader in x-ray devices died of a stroke.
Watch what has occurred in recent events about how they act around others. Watch what the students say to each other and see how the faculty react to the problem. -Simon Phipps 10/15/13

Friday, October 11, 2013

1. No it's a national park so the state shouldn't have to pay since it's not a state park.
2. Death Valley would be my favorite with it one of the most visited. I've always wanted to go their to see it in person.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

1. This is saying that our legislative branch does not agree with everything.
2. Find the best of both and put them together and finish the fight.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

1. No it can actually help some in society with who they help.
2. You can say who and what you want to sponsor.
3. No its their money and they can spend it how they want to.
4. They would get more money than they have before.
-Simon Phipps

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I disagree with them changing the name. The bell ringer has been the same since they became a team. They have been known as the Redskins in the NFL for many years and that's how everyone knows their name. No one has said anything for years but it's till now that some one finally said something about it.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Response to grandson: Well let me see. During my life I've had a some good memories and some bad. A good one would be when I graduated from Marshall University and started a small business. Later though I made an investment and my small business then become a thriving business that I could retire in peace. Sadly though I have been in the hospital for some heart problems but for the advancement in technology I was helped and no longer had any heart problems. Actually I was the first one saved by the new heart disease tracker that saved lives after me. So that my life in a nutshell.   -Simon Phipps
1. It's not really a national security problem just more of a mistake.
2. Yes cause anything can happen in this day and age.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

1. What is the whole deal with the federal government shutting down for one bad reason?
2. Will it effect the economy more with it shut down?
3. How will the unpaid federal be able to support their families at this time of crisis?
-Simon Phipps

Monday, September 30, 2013

The web sites show that the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center later the Oklahoma City bombing followed by the government shut down that may happen tomorrow.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The article is saying that violent video games are leading to more mass killings. It's not really the video games fault but more or less the parents. Only the parents can control what games the child plays since they can control what games they get. Only a few games have NO VIOLENCE in them while others have some even football and basketball.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

1. To stop suicides that are occuring during school. To keep students from torturing other students via social media. Keep social media from ending more lives.
2. I'm sort of in the middle of the question between the privacy.
3. Just try and get used to it before it starts making everything crazy.
Simon Phipps 9/18/2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

1. America is still racist and does not enjoy the way she is.
2. The civil rights movement has had an affect in the 1960s and not as much now.
-Simon Phipps 9/17/2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

It has been 50 years since the church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama which took the lives of four girls that day. They were just in Middle School and were getting ready for an assembly at church. The Ku Klux Klan was the group that planted the bomb underneath the stairs and also blew out a part of the Stain Glass window of Jesus. All of these girls have been able to be amazing in a way that changed America.

Friday, September 13, 2013

1. It was a bombing to try and catch the US off guard. When we were in memorist of 9/11/2001.
2. Was more of a fail than a success. The Taliban still think that they can take on the remaining US forces. -Simon Phipps 9/13/2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013 Photos, videos, articles, and facts from that day.
I have many expierences like this with my life crubbling as I knew it. Like both of the Towers it didn't take long for me to drop to the ground in pain that I was dealing with. When I do collapse it is like what happened at the Pentagon losing some friends when it happens. Don't know how but thats what will happen when all fails. Photo of the North Tower smoking and showing the explosion of when the South Tower was hit.
When I get hit mentally it's like the South Tower while the I'm already damaged like the North Tower. Don't remember many but the one I remember the most was when my grandpa passed away a few years ago and I was already hurting from what has haapened in school. Many times has happened when that was brought up and I just went into a mental breakdown. Really this is how my sophmore year was. Archive of the seven day news cast that was shown around the world for over 3,000 hours.
My life has been like a movie. With something differently happening everyday when I least expect it. Don't know what I can do to keep going on. 9/11 is what has occured to me.
Many are believing that some of the job loss is due to new computer systems that are used by some states. They believe that it will either get rid of or get jobs in America. Some areas of the economy are improving but other areas are crippling.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My privacy feels likes it is violated by the NSA without most people knowing about it. With all of the social networks that I have they should tell you first hand that the NSA has the right to see what you say. One reason is because of 9/11 but still we should be notified if something like that is happening. I guess since 9/11 they can check on what you say but will it effect you more mentally than physically. The NSA is just putting themselves in a bad place with the United States citizens.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

1. No they should not raise the price on their dollar menu. The menu is called the "Dollar Menu" which means that the food on it should be a dollar. 2. Yes they should be paid at a wage on which they can live on. Sometimes some workers have families that also need food and during school the breakfast and lunch will be the only food they get in the day.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

1. They are saying that they should pursue a major in the science, technology, engineering, of math major with the job opening in high demand. 2. I would like to see a chart on the money that is made by each branch and show how many years they went to college. 3. Finding out that more known colleges will get you a job for more people know about that college. Simon Phipps 9/4/2013.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

1. Yes this is an invasion of privacy with many people having most of their lives on Facebook, Twitter and the other social network giants. 2. No it is against the privacy that you are suppose to have. No I have not read the terms and agreements. 3. Yes it does violate your fourth amendment with you not knowing of your information is violated.

Friday, August 30, 2013

The way that this happened is that a woman felt threatened by the large group. It was most likely that they were black but it was also a large group in this local restruant. It was unconstitutional that they were not seated after waiting two hours then told that they can not be seated. So this is racism even fifty years after the I have a Dream speech. They were discrimanated.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

" I have a Dream" assingment

18. "Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred." Martin is saying that we will not get freedom by drinking out of the cup of bitterness and hatred. That is the way to whem the nation will never change.

Simon's I have a dream speech BR

BR 8/29/13 Facts 1. Five score years ago the man signed the emaclitation proclamation. 2. The most peaceful speeches of history. 3. One hundred years later my people are still no equal as the Whites.      4. All men in America will be equal to everyone. 5. We refuse to believe that the funds of banks is bankrupt. 6. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desalit place we have been from.       7. We will never be satified as long as the negro are beat in Georgia. 8. I still have a dream that is rooted in the American dream that all men are created equal. 9. I have a dream that my children will not be jugged by the color of their skin. 10. This will be the day that all of God's children sing that we will all sing the anthem together. 11. Let freedom ring from the Appalapcian Mountains of Pennslyvania.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Simon Phipps

1. Two boys with their previous accounts of assault should be trialed as adults. They may be underage but they have committed these felonies before so they should be trialed as adults. 2. One has already been shown due to him hiding after their assault. The other should still stay closed since he turned himself in without question. 3. If someone has multiple felonies close to 18 and are not listening trial as adults for how heinous their crime has been.