Thursday, March 27, 2014

Simon Phipps

Constitutional Courts are all the courts
Military And Veterans Claims Courts Started in 1789 and ran by the military
Have a 2/3 vote instead on unanimous
VA hear about veteran cases
Military Commissions
Created by George W. Bush in 2001
Obama closed Guantanamo Bay
US can only be taken to court with it's permission
Hear claims fro damages against the Federal Government
Citizen wins the only receive the money
Territorial Courts are the same as regular courts
DC courts is the judicial system for the nation's capital.
US Tax courts are only for civil cases that only involve money

Monday, March 24, 2014

3/24/2014 BR Simon Phipps

The epidemic in New Guinea has killed 59 of 80 people that came in contact with the virus. They don't know how to stop the virus at the time.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Supreme Court Cases Simon Phipps

Religion Case: Landmark Religious Liberty Case

The case is on how a school teacher that was hired by a church based school getting fired even though she is a commissioned minister. Later she was struck with narcolepsy which left her out of work for several months but she did not want to retire. In the end she won due to the Americans with Disability Act and the first amendment.

Minority Case: Shelby County, Alabama vs. Holder, General Attorney

Shelby County is using the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to win for equal rights. Holder is saying that some of Alabama is having equal rights but Holder is saying that they are not. At the end Shelby County won the case 5-4 against Attorney General Holder.

School System Case: Safford School District vs. Redding

A student was strict searched for saying that Ms. Redding was giving a child ibprofen which went against the schools anti-drug policy. She used her fourth amendment to go agianst the District which was illegal searches and siezure. At the end Redding won in a 7-2 victory over the district.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Chapter 18 Section 2 Simon Phipps

Inferior courts are courts that are under the supreme court
These courts deal with smaller cases
677 judges handle over 350,000 cases per year 80% of the federal caseload
94 district courts
Multi-judge panel means that more than one judge hear the case.
FISA 7 year terms Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
ATRC 5 year terms
District don't hear the cases within original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
District hear both criminal and civil cases
US is always the prosecutor in criminal cases
Appeal court is the below the supreme court
Court of Appeals hear nation wide cases
Court of International Trade deals with customs and trade
Solely with other nations

3/20/14 BR Simon Phipps

Judicial restraint with it being more equal to the full case than just one thing.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chapter 18 Section 1 Simon Phipps

David Hackett Souter

3/19/2014 BR Simon Phipps

1. It may have done with a terrorist act to affect other countries.
2. No it basically says that we should also get involved with what is happening in Russia.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3/18/2014 BR Simon Phipps

1. Russia says that the West doesn't understand what is going on.
2. No cause we have nothing to do with this.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3/12/2014 Simon Phipps BR

1. They thought that it just turned around and went out of reach of the radar.
2. The cabin could of collapsed and kill all aboard, fell apart at 35,000 feet, and turbulent.

Simon Phipps 3/10/2014

1. Who is the ad targeting?
2. Does it send a positive or negative message?
3. Do you think the ad is effective at delivering its message?
4. How is ad different that it would be portrayed in 2014?
5. Would you vote be affected by the campaign ad?

1. Ronald Reagan 1980-Reagan Record
Middle and lower class Americans.
Positive saying that he will help America.
Yes cause it helps most Americans.
It focuses on America's citizens.
Yes cause it would be helping me.

2. Jimmy Carter 1976-Essence
Everyone in America.
Negative to take down Ford in the election.
Yes cause he is saying what the people want.
It had everyone involved in what was going on at that time.
Some if it had more of what he meant.

3. George W. Bush 2004-Safer, Stronger
All of America
Positive with him telling how America has turned around in his first term.
Yes cause tells of Inaugural, 9/11, stock market crashing and how America can come together to help.
Most of what he said was in his first term not what has happened.
Yes he would get my vote for how he reacted to everything.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Simon Phipps 3/11/2014 BR

1. Yes cause that is their main purpose in the medical field.

2. Yes cause it is helping the well being of the people in the medical facilities.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Simon Phipps 3/10/2014 BR

1. How much tax revenue will be raised by this proposal.
2. Families without children are going to get the most benefits from this.

Friday, March 7, 2014

We are going to miss Mr. Grady he's the best- Simon Phipps

National convention is where the president is officially nominated
Each state send delegates based on their elector votes
It is used to pick each parties their candidates
Primaries began in the early 1900's
Primary selection
Delegate selection primary
Candidate preference primary
New Hampshire is always the first primary
Began as winner takes all
15% or more of the state gets you the delegates
Caucuses closed meeting of a political party which gather to select delegates to the national convention
Convention Schedule
Day 1 Primaries
Day 2 Keynote Address
Adopt Platform
Day 3 Select or affirm for vice presidential candidate
Day 4 Select and affirm presidential candidate
Done by delegates voting
Candidate delivers acceptance speech
Nominee characteristics
Typically the current president is nominated
Typically has long run of political experience
Governorship has been important
Senate used to be a springboard
Typically protestants from large states
Good speakers who seem to have a stable family life and also have a pleasant and healthy appearance

Simon Phipps Section 2 & 3 Civics

Section 2 Grant Robinson and Merida Kaiser
Fact one: Vice-President becomes President when the President dies or gets impeached.
Fact two: Succession amendment was created in 1967 and became the 25th amendment.
Fact three: President nominates the new Vice-President if the original dies.
Fact four: FDR was the President that started the succession amendment

Section 3 Courtney Hill, Liz Poling, Sarah Mongold, and Josh Gain
Fact one: Originally the electoral college gave everyone two votes.
Fact two: The first Presidential tie was in the 1800 election.
Fact three: Each state has at least three electoral votes.
Fact four: Elector college decides who becomes President.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Simon Phipps 3/5/2014 BR

Order of Succession
Speaker of the House
President pro tempore of the Senate
Secretary of State
Secretary of Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Attorney General
Secretary of Interior
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Secretary of Homeland Security

Civics Notes

Executive Branch
Includes the president, vice president, and his cabinet
Responsible for carrying out the law
The president is the head of the executive branch
Role of the President
Chief of State
Chief Executive
Chief Administrator
Chief Diplomat
Commander in Chief
Chief Legislator
Chief of Party
Chief Citizen

To be President
Natural born Citizen
At least 35 years of age
Have lived within the United States for at least 14 years
President Pro Temp-ore- person in Senate with most seniority
Presidential Term
Consist of a 4 year term
Originally there was no formal limit on the President's term
George Washington set the precedent
Refused to seek a third term
FDR broke this precedent by seeking and winning 4 straight terms in office
Created the 22nd amendment
President make $400,000
Congress sets pay
Can not receive any other pay for work
      Air force one
     Personal Bodyguard
     Camp David
      Health Care
      Armored Car
Line of Succession
Speaker of House
Presidential Pro-temp
Secretary of State
Constitution did not provide for succession
25th amendment mad the succession
Vice-President can take over the role if the President discharges his duties
President must write a letter to discharge and to restart
Vice-President and cabinet may challenge
Congress has 21 days to resolve the problem
Vice-President known as President in Waiting
Has little power
Presides over the Senate
Helps decide the question of Presidential Disability
Used to balance this ticket in presidential elections
Only office that cannot be fired by the president
Vice-Presidential succession is easier that Presidential
Electors chosen in each state by the manner of the state's choosing
Same number of senators and house of representatives
Originally cast 2 electoral votes
Election of 1800 was the first tie in the presidential election
Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson each go 73 votes
The matter was sent to the house which eventually chose Thomas Jefferson
12th was made because of the 1800 election

Simon Phipps Section 1

Fact one: Presidential role names chief of state, chief executive, most powerful office in the world, chief administrator, chief diplomat, commander in chief, chief legislator, chief of party, chief citizen.

Fact two: term limits set after FDR

Fact three: Natural born US citizen

Fact four: 35 years old to be president