Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Simon Phipps 3/10/2014

1. Who is the ad targeting?
2. Does it send a positive or negative message?
3. Do you think the ad is effective at delivering its message?
4. How is ad different that it would be portrayed in 2014?
5. Would you vote be affected by the campaign ad?

1. Ronald Reagan 1980-Reagan Record
Middle and lower class Americans.
Positive saying that he will help America.
Yes cause it helps most Americans.
It focuses on America's citizens.
Yes cause it would be helping me.

2. Jimmy Carter 1976-Essence
Everyone in America.
Negative to take down Ford in the election.
Yes cause he is saying what the people want.
It had everyone involved in what was going on at that time.
Some if it had more of what he meant.

3. George W. Bush 2004-Safer, Stronger
All of America
Positive with him telling how America has turned around in his first term.
Yes cause tells of Inaugural, 9/11, stock market crashing and how America can come together to help.
Most of what he said was in his first term not what has happened.
Yes he would get my vote for how he reacted to everything.

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