Friday, March 7, 2014

Simon Phipps Section 2 & 3 Civics

Section 2 Grant Robinson and Merida Kaiser
Fact one: Vice-President becomes President when the President dies or gets impeached.
Fact two: Succession amendment was created in 1967 and became the 25th amendment.
Fact three: President nominates the new Vice-President if the original dies.
Fact four: FDR was the President that started the succession amendment

Section 3 Courtney Hill, Liz Poling, Sarah Mongold, and Josh Gain
Fact one: Originally the electoral college gave everyone two votes.
Fact two: The first Presidential tie was in the 1800 election.
Fact three: Each state has at least three electoral votes.
Fact four: Elector college decides who becomes President.

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