Thursday, March 6, 2014

Civics Notes

Executive Branch
Includes the president, vice president, and his cabinet
Responsible for carrying out the law
The president is the head of the executive branch
Role of the President
Chief of State
Chief Executive
Chief Administrator
Chief Diplomat
Commander in Chief
Chief Legislator
Chief of Party
Chief Citizen

To be President
Natural born Citizen
At least 35 years of age
Have lived within the United States for at least 14 years
President Pro Temp-ore- person in Senate with most seniority
Presidential Term
Consist of a 4 year term
Originally there was no formal limit on the President's term
George Washington set the precedent
Refused to seek a third term
FDR broke this precedent by seeking and winning 4 straight terms in office
Created the 22nd amendment
President make $400,000
Congress sets pay
Can not receive any other pay for work
      Air force one
     Personal Bodyguard
     Camp David
      Health Care
      Armored Car
Line of Succession
Speaker of House
Presidential Pro-temp
Secretary of State
Constitution did not provide for succession
25th amendment mad the succession
Vice-President can take over the role if the President discharges his duties
President must write a letter to discharge and to restart
Vice-President and cabinet may challenge
Congress has 21 days to resolve the problem
Vice-President known as President in Waiting
Has little power
Presides over the Senate
Helps decide the question of Presidential Disability
Used to balance this ticket in presidential elections
Only office that cannot be fired by the president
Vice-Presidential succession is easier that Presidential
Electors chosen in each state by the manner of the state's choosing
Same number of senators and house of representatives
Originally cast 2 electoral votes
Election of 1800 was the first tie in the presidential election
Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson each go 73 votes
The matter was sent to the house which eventually chose Thomas Jefferson
12th was made because of the 1800 election

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