Friday, March 21, 2014

Supreme Court Cases Simon Phipps

Religion Case: Landmark Religious Liberty Case

The case is on how a school teacher that was hired by a church based school getting fired even though she is a commissioned minister. Later she was struck with narcolepsy which left her out of work for several months but she did not want to retire. In the end she won due to the Americans with Disability Act and the first amendment.

Minority Case: Shelby County, Alabama vs. Holder, General Attorney

Shelby County is using the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to win for equal rights. Holder is saying that some of Alabama is having equal rights but Holder is saying that they are not. At the end Shelby County won the case 5-4 against Attorney General Holder.

School System Case: Safford School District vs. Redding

A student was strict searched for saying that Ms. Redding was giving a child ibprofen which went against the schools anti-drug policy. She used her fourth amendment to go agianst the District which was illegal searches and siezure. At the end Redding won in a 7-2 victory over the district.

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